Local Gym vs Open Gym

According to healthline.com and other Google results, the average cost of a monthly gym membership is $58 a month which on average leaves you paying $14.50 a week. That’s easy to manage for most people’s budget. The question is, will you use it? For some of us the answer is 100% yes and yet according to the CDC for 76.8% of us, the answer is, no.

The CDC reported that only 23.2% of American adults met the “Physical Activity Guidelines” advised for aerobic AND muscle strengthening activity in 2018. So, if we use that as a metric, let’s assume at least half of us paying affordable $50-something-a-month prices are probably not using it, and losing money. Ok, so stick with me, I’m trying to illustrate how your money can work smarter for your budget and your body!

If half that money is being thrown out every year because half the time you could go, you do not, suddenly that $58 a month gym investment results in $400 a year going to waste. What if you could ensure 100% return on that $400 investment instead, by paying for a service, instead of a hypothetical visit?

You can purchase 20 Open Gym passes for $420 at Control Studios and ensure 100% returns, because you’re paying for a service that won’t draft from your account until you use it, as opposed to a hypothetical visit that you pay for whether you come or not.

Ok, ok, ok, I have your attention? So what happens in Open Gym, how does it work?

In Open Gym you walk in with your workout journal that has a list of exercises and various orders on the back to follow. You are trained prior to your first Open Gym workout on how to execute every exercise AND how to make every equipment change / transition an “exercise” instead of a waste of time and energy like we have all experienced having to get on and off clunky equipment that requires lots of adjusting between exercises. Now, BOOM, you have made setting up your equipment part of your workout so there is zero downtime, and you have now built your cardio into your strength training “HITT” style. Beyond knowing you’ll have a higher return on your vested time and money; you now have higher accountability inside this scenario because our studio and your community is more intimate. There aren’t a ton of hours to select from. In fact, starting this week, we are scaling back to one hour a week to more unify the community of fitness enthusiasts at our space utilizing Open Gym. One hour a week, that’s it. So commit, come in, at $21 a week and like I said, you will become so autonomous and proficient that your one hour workout will be a fluid cardio mixed strength training workout that is hard to compete with when it comes to return on your investment. If you disagree, think there is a better way or have questions — post it in the comments! Let’s talk it through.

WHAT’S NEXT? You need an intro pack of privates to gain enough autonomy inside each exercise in order for Open Gym to work for you, if you are new! But after that, your body and mind will be bought in with huge dividends paid to your body! If you are an existing client, book Open Studio this Saturday. This is a double-dog-dare you to do something that will uplift you I promise! You will have a vastly different experience and get more out of you existing Pilates workouts.

While nothing should ever replace private training, no matter how infrequent, due to budget and time constraints, the body also needs to trust itself in self-paced workouts in settings like Open Gym formats provide you, or at home on your mat where you just FLOW. Ya’ll know the drill. Book via Mindbody, Call (713) 855-8582 or Email to book your sessions now!

Make your money work for you instead, slip away from you in the shadows of a busy calendar.

— Cora Lindsay Co-Founder and Coach, Control Studios.