Local Gym vs Open Gym

The CDC reported that only 23.2% of American adults met the “Physical Activity Guidelines” advised for aerobic AND muscle strengthening activity in 2018. So, if we use that as a metric, let’s assume at least half of us paying affordable $50-something-a-month prices are probably not using it, and losing money. Stick with me, I’m trying to illustrate how your money can work smarter for your budget and your body!

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Autonomy -- The "It" gift this Holiday

If you have ever wondered “Is this how it’s supposed to be done?” or “Why does this feel so hard for me but look so easy for someone else.” You’re in good company. We heard you, and we made you something! We are calling it a Client Exercise Journal. These will be for sale on our website January 1st 2021.

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Kathy Grant Scholarship

We want Kathy Grant’s story to inspire the Black community of every gender and background so that we can recruit teachers of rich backgrounds to diversify this industry in hopes that the healing strength Joseph Pilates provided Kathy Grant and countless others will not be something reserved for the few, but instead, be a gift of power through knowledge that we all share together.

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Where should I be feeling this?

“well I really feel this _____; is that wrong?” The simple answer is No. AND, that does not mean that it is not still a full body exercise, or that you are doing it wrong. It means that you are working the exact muscles that need to be worked, the muscles that if given the chance, will opt out and ride the bench while the workhorses dutifully take over and get it done.

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